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Check back often to keep up with happenings in the MoXaIc Community  






Chinatown Homeless & Elderly Outreach

Every Monday
2100hrs +8 GMT Rally Point








Chinatown Homeless & Elderly Outreach

Every Friday

2230hrs +8 GMT Rally Point



Every Saturday 0700hrs
+8 GMT @ TheBookCafe


We gather weekly for a time of "unplugged" worship and prayer before the Cafe opens for the weekend. 


Every Saturday 0900hrs
+8 GMT @ Blk 9 JalanKukoh


Saturday Breakfast Fellowship with nieghbours in the JK community, praising and worshipping God. Sharing God's word and prayer walking.



24/7 Prayer Room Booking

Our Prayer Room @ The Loft Cafe SG offers any group or individuals to join in this MoXaic prayer community. Freely we receive therefore freely we give. You can simply drop a love offering in the box provided in the prayer room. 


Pls Note: You could simply book the room at the link below (booking subject to availability and on first come first serve basis). Each individual or groups are to book the prayer room on their own, if it for exclusive use, please use the options provided on the booking interface. 



Walk Strong Initiative

Walk Strong (directly translated from “Jalan Kukoh”) is a movement in progress, dedicated to transforming the under-served Jalan Kukoh community through smartly designed programs to empower various groups in the community.


The main driver of Walk Strong is The Loft, supported by VWOs ReadAble and Their Daily Bread. Each VWO works entirely voluntarily in the Jln Kukoh estate in a different capacity and with a specific demographic. Between us, we cover the main demographics in the estate.


As part of Walk Strong’s groundwork, we intend to conduct a door-to-door census in the estate to better understand the needs in the estate and how Walk Strong’s programs can address them.

24x7 Prayer Watch
We had done our last leg of 24/7 on 8th August 2015. Seeya next year!


Starting with a 24x1 watch in February 2015, we are by faith increasing the watch by one day each month, and hope to do a 24/7 watch by August, just before our Nation's (Singapore) Jubilee celebration. We come together as a community to form an unbroken chain of prayer as a group or individuals, seeking the Father's heart as we intercede for the nations and for our loved ones. 


"O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the LORD." (Isaiah 62:6 NLT)


Praying through words, art, music, activity, silence and more, anyone can try talking to God. 


"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." (Ephesians 6:18 NIV)



"May the God of all compassion break your heart, earth your prayers in the dirt and enlarge your vision beyond the bounds of normal. and may the Lord Jesus who took flesh two thousand years ago, invade and distrupt our lives again today"


Excerpt from Pete Greig forward on the book "Gatecrashing"


Pls Note: You could simply schedule slots at the link below (Prayer Watch days are coded in Cyan color). Each individual or groups are to book the slots on their own, if it for exclusive use, please use the options provided on the booking interface. Otherwise indicated, time slots are open for anyone to come together. Don't hesitate to schedule yourself even when you see a name in a slot which is not indicated as exclusive use, join in the fellowship and make new friends as we gather to pray.  





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