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The Vision?

The vision is JESUS - Obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.

The vision is an army of a new generation rising up for Jesus! You see bones? I see an army! (Ezekiel 37:1-14) Hallelujah!


The MoXaIc community finds a high degreee of resonance with the vision of the 24/7 prayer movement, and hence hold closely to the values and DNA of this movement. 24-7 Prayer’s threefold call of Prayer, Mission & Justice are not separate, but form a flow from God through us and out into our world.




The flow starts with Prayer where we commune with God & receive his heart & his direction for life. This infilling shapes the work that we do & the communities we are part of.


24-7 Prayer Room help people (especially young people) learn to pray by praying. Through words, art, music, activity, silence and more, anyone can try talking to God.


It only takes 24 people to pray an hour a day to fill a week or more with night and day prayer.  All you need to know can be found here. See the hopes and hurts of your community poured out, and experience God's presence fill a people and place. Many have experienced new passion, vision, depth and unity and have discovered that prayer cannot be contained; it spills out into mission and mercy.



"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place… All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit… and about three thousand were added to their number that day” Acts 2:1



The life that we live in community becomes mission to those around us, as we become the salt & light. We seek to do the will of our Father. Prayer is therefore the first stop for any mission we are led into. Our heart's desire is that prayer rooms will spring up in every neighbourhood, of every city, in every nation of the world, until Christ comes again and we join with him in that great 24/7 prayer room in the sky.



What does ‘justice’ mean? The most common understanding of justice often refers to a wrong-doer getting the punishment they rightfully deserve. However, there is different type of "justice" that God talks often about in the Bible. 


The most common word He uses in the bible for justice is the Hebrew word Tzedek (or Zedekah). This has a far broader meaning, combining justice with righteousness in one single word. Modern biblical translations regularly group justice with righteousness; and also with mercy & grace. Jesus puts them together too in his very first public speech, the Sermon on the Mount.


So we see that justice and mercy are not opposites but are bonded together in the same word. The ‘justice’ that we know, the mere legal right of the law, must, therefore be tempered by compassion. The word God uses can also be given greater meaning by seeing that his view of community is not one of individuals holding out for their own rights, but one where people share with their neighbours. When a cloak was taken as security for a loan, Tzedek justice required it to be given back at night for protection.


The beauty of Tezedek justice is that it is totally impartial; it treats the rich the same as the poor & it brings people together in community. And that is where 24-7 Prayer sees where it has its role.


The life we live through Prayer & Mission is characterised by justice, righteousness, compassion & mercy, impacting the community around us. For some communities it will be hospitality to the local homeless, to others it will be fighting human trafficking, to others it will be caring for those with HIV/Aids or simply joining and supporting a caring organisation.


There are many exciting ideas coming to us at the moment, some new and some we have been practicing for a number of years now. This includes the formation of simple faith communities amongst the elderly in low income neighbourhoods, as well walking alongside ex-inmates and substance addicts as they seek to normalise their lives. We have a vision to spread this greater life vision and purpose in coming to the center of our Father's Heart.


We seek to discover what God wants to download into each of our communities, as gather to pray and bear each others burdens.


Join us in praying that we fully catch God’s heart for mankind in His Tzedek justice.

Healing & Restoration


In our prayer communities, we believe it is God's will to heal and restore. God declares "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 30:17 NTL) and he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. (Isaiah 53:5 NLT). We have no doubts that He is Jehovah Rophe, the God that heals.


In the hebrew langauge, tenses are "timeless". He is the same yesterday, today and forever and God could heal you now.


Our Father desires to make us whole again in Christ Jesus. Not just sickness but also financially & emotionally.


The MoXaIc Community currently have 2 initiatives:


One of the community led by Ps. Eugene Png conducts Love After Marriage (LAM) courses to strengthen, heal and restore marriages thru the power of the Holy Spirit.


This 18-week workshop lets Holy Spirit bring deep inner-healing into a couple's life, marriage and family. Husband and wife learn how to walk in openness, vulnerability and love, as well as experience God’s supernatural transformation as they walk in the spiritual power God longs to release in and through their marriage. The teachings by Barry & Lori Byrne (Nothing Hidden Ministries USA) include:


  • basic principles of spiritual, emotional and sexual oneness

  • tools to take marriages to a higher level of intimacy, communication and enjoyment

  • opportunities to practise these tools in an intimate, small group setting

  • breakthrough for struggling marriages, helping couples overcome the strongholds in their relationship

  • keys to take even healthy marriages to a higher level


The other community currently led by Brother Timothy Wong, Brother Ananias Sim, Sister Jocelyn Teo and Brother Derrick Wong who carry a burden for the the elderly community at Jalan Kukoh, pray for them and witness many physical healings.


The community at Jalan Kukoh was sparked by a simple question asked during a bible study In early 2011 - "Are there poor in Singapore?" That led to a collective decision to do something to bless the poor in Singapore. A small group led by Brother Timothy Wong & Ananias Sim was assembled to take some simple provision hampers to distribute to residents of Block 3 Jalan Kukoh on the 3rd day of Chinese New Year. This encounter opened our eyes to the following:


1. Many of the elderly may have a roof over their heads, but don't really gave a home in the hear sense. They live a lonely existence. 


2. They don't have much time remaining. Many living a meaningless existence, just waiting for the end of their days. 


3. Whilst they live a short walk from the affluent community of Robertson quay, and the vibes of Clarke quay -- many rarely venture out to engage with the wider community. Their lives revolve around the daily existence in this neighborhood.


What followed was a series of block parties, to engage with the community. Soon the Lord led us to undertake weekly prayer walks on Saturday mornings. Then someone had the idea to bring breakfast, and to invite folks from the community to join us after our prayer walks. Then someone had the idea to tell stories from the bible after breakfast. As the simple faith community has formed, following the rhythms of the early disciples recorded in acts 2:42, we are believing for more faith communities amongst various pockets of residents in the neighborhood. 


Since then, this team has been having regular Saturday Breakfast Fellowship with nieghbours in the JK community, praising and worshipping God. Sharing God's word and prayer walking.

Missional Cafe Communities (MCCs)


We are on a wild goose (celtic name for the Holy Spirit) chase across South East Asia and Japan via a string of Missional Cafes. Each cafe is to be infused with a Jesus community who are passionate about God, one another, and the making of disciples.


The cafes are independently owned and operated, but are distinguishable by a common DNA, which can best be described via the "4 corners" concept offering:


Browse - surfing the internet. reading books & magazines for free.


Chill - in your second living room. comfy sofas, cozy lighting, relaxing vibes


Drink - gourmet coffee and tea, cold beers & other refreshing drinks


Eat - comfort food made from scratch with a dash of TLC


The mission of each cafe is to draw people into a place of community, where they will eventually encounter God in safe and familiar environment. The work of the ministry happens organically, and anchors around five relational principles:


Ask anything –  allowing seekers to discover spiritual truth in a non-threatening small group environment (eg the Alpha Course). In addition to sowing the seeds of the gospel message, it is also a starting point for formation of gospel community.


Baptising into Community – the seeker small group moves on to formation of  an Acts 2:42 gospel community (devoted to the Apostles teaching, Fellowship, Sharing  in Meals and Prayer)


Connecting  on life’s journey - we seek to form intimate, life giving friendships around the axioms of authenticity, vulnerability and availability. Life Transformation Groups (LTG)  are an easily reproducible tool for establishing this life giving rythmn. These groups reinforce the DNA of missional communities : Divine Truth (Loving God), Nurturing Relationships (Loving Others) and Apostolic Mission (Making Disciples).


Distributing God’s goodness – outreach to the surrounding community at large; expect to see the love of God demonstrated in both practical ways, and spiritually thru the release of signs and wonders. This outward impulse transitions the gospel community into a gospel Communitas (For definition of Communitas -  see Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch).


Embracing the Father heart of God in worship and prayer – this is the engine room of  a missional community (Acts 1:4,8) In addition to regular prayer times, there will be seasons of 24/7 prayer and waiting on God for the full release of his power and presence in our generation. Worship of the King is the beginning and end goal of the MCC movement. Where the King goes, people bow. 



We believe "No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house." (Luke 11:33 NLT)



Community & Social Justice


In this prayer community, we believe that we are praying for change, allows us to be empowered by Christ to become the agent of change.


We seek to be deeply invovled in the community. These include holding weekly breakfast fellowships with the elderly in Chinatown (Jalan Kukoh). These informal gatherings happen under their void decks and involve a cup of Kopi-O, a plate of fried bee hoon, and a healthy dose of God's word. We aim to build a close relationship with each member in this community and have personal time by inviting them out for one to one weekday fellowship dinner. We hold this burden and see the desperate need for salvation especially for these elderly as the urgency of the gospel need to be made known to them. Each day they are living parallel with death.


We are motivated by what Jesus said "I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." (Luke 5:32 NLT). We know that "God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth". (Matthew 5:5 NLT) God uses broken vessels to bring glory to Himself. We reach out to halfway houses and ex-inmates to offer them employment and training in our Missional Cafes. We aim to give them a greater purpose and vision in their broken lives that they may see hope in Christ and be a living testimonies for the glory of God.


The approach is simple: find a hurt and heal it; and look for need and meet it. For God is love and we pray that the love of God will manifest through us as the salt and light of the world

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